Transformational Grants Letter of Intent available on January 12th, and the deadline is February 16th.
Grant Information:
Transformational Grants are designed to support a work in progress, or a bold idea, that will result in measurable solutions to identified community problems. Transformational Grants must be consistent with the mission, values and priorities of the applicant and The Foundation.
Grant Details:
- Up to three Transformational Grants will be awarded per year.
- Organizations must apply annually and are eligible to receive up to $75,000 per year.
- Organizations are eligible to win up to three years in a row for a total of up to $225,000.
- Collaboration among agencies is required and will be considered during the review process. A list of collaborative agencies should be included in the application.
Proposals must demonstrate the following:
- That the project will serve the residents of McHenry County.
- How the project addresses identified community need(s).
- How the project will measurably impact the issue(s) it addresses.
- That there is a credible plan or goal sustainability.
- How a communications strategy for the funded project will be implemented.
Need Statement:
Proposals must demonstrate the applicant’s commitment to their mission and to creating a better McHenry County for the future. It should describe a specific need(s) that will be addressed through the applicant’s project or program. Proposals should indicate how the needs were identified through credible research or sources and a project budget in a form acceptable to The Foundation must be included.
Grant Criteria:
Transformational Grants are intended for a wide variety of projects or programs. Support may be requested for advancing current projects or programs or starting a new project or program. Up to 25% of Transformational Grant funding may be used for general operating support. Other criteria that will factor into application evaluation include:
- Applying organizations and their collaborators must serve McHenry County residents.
- Partnerships between lead organizations and collaborators must be confirmed through letters of agreement or memorandums of understanding.
- Good financial health, leadership and governance of the lead organization.
- Indication of project’s sustainability beyond the grant period.
- Alignment with Transformational Grant goals, values, and priorities.
Grant Budget and Financial Reporting:
Grant funds must be used in one year. Multi-year funding is not supported. Grant funds may not be used for capital campaigns or improvements, endowments, fundraising events, partisan political activities, or to support an individual. Grantees will be required to submit reports indicating how funds were used and the status of the project or program.
Eligible Applicants:
- 501(c)3 public charities in good standing in the state of Illinois.
- Local government entities or instrumentalities.
The Foundation does NOT currently fund:
- Organizations that require a fiscal sponsor to receive grants or tax-deductible donations.
- Nonprofits without proof of 501(c)3 determination provided by the IRS
- Applications for programs that promote or require religious doctrine for participation.
Application Process:
Please attend the mandatory Transformational Grant Orientation on January 11th from 2-3. Please RSVP here.
Grant seekers must complete an application and provide all supporting materials through Foundant, The Community Foundation for McHenry County’s online grants management system.
New applicants will need to create a Foundant profile for their organization and an individual user profile to access information and applications for available funding opportunities. Returning users should log in using their existing user name and password.
Access The Foundation’s grants portal here.
Late or incomplete letters of intent or applications will not be considered.
The Mission Grants application process.
Any organization that applies for The Foundation’s Mission Grants funding opportunity must be located in McHenry County or able to demonstrate significant impact within McHenry County.
The Foundation currently funds:
- Tax-exempt 501(c)(3) corporations in good standing with the IRS and state of Illinois, including:
- Publicly supported charities.
- Not-for-profit educational institutions.
- Faith-based organizations serving the community-at-large.
- Local government entities or instrumentalities.
- Local hospitals with community-focused programs and/or services.
The Foundation does NOT currently fund:
- Individuals.
- Endowment campaigns.
- Capital campaigns or improvements.
- Fundraising events.
- Partisan political activities or campaigns.
- Nonprofits without proof of IRS 501(c)(3) status.
- Organizations requiring fiscal sponsorship to receive grants or tax-deductible donations.
- Organizations that require adherence to a particular religious belief or practice to receive support or services.
Governmental Compliance
All applying organizations must operate for charitable purposes and comply with federal and state governmental regulations.
- Must be recognized as tax-exempt 501(c)(3) corporation and in good standing with the Internal Revenue Service (IRS) and state of Illinois.
- Organization must file timely tax information returns (federal Form 990).
Your organization’s status will be verified electronically through the websites listed below. If there is a discrepancy, The Foundation may reach out to confirm proof of compliance.
- Internal Revenue Service Tax Exempt Organization Search
- GuideStar by Candid Nonprofit Organization Search
If you have questions about your organization’s eligibility, please contact us at [email protected].
Grant Purpose:
Mission Grants are designed to support charitable organizations that are providing community resources to McHenry County residents with funding for general operating costs related to programs, projects, or administrative needs. Requests for funding must be consistent with the mission, values and priorities of the applicant and The Foundation.
Grant Details:
- Award Amount
- Organizations are eligible to receive up to $25,000 per year for the two-year grant cycle.
- NEW IN 2022: Mission Grants will be awarded in even years with the grant amount being dispersed for two consecutive years.
- Grants Awarded
- The number of grants awarded is dependent upon the amount of funds that are earmarked for competitive grantmaking during the current fiscal year, October 1 – September 30.
- Award Limits
- An organization may only submit one application for Mission Grants funding per year.
- There is no limit to the number of consecutive grant cycles an organization may receive Mission Grants funding.
- Fund Allocation:
- Requests for funding that support overall community need, do not duplicate existing county services, and demonstrate a capacity to be sustainable in the future are favorable.
Requests for funding must demonstrate the following:
- Benefit to McHenry County residents.
- Community need that will be addressed.
- Desired goals and projected outcomes.
- Quality and sustainability of intended services.
- Potential challenges of implementation.
- Itemized budget with expected revenue and expenses.
- Financial health and independence of the applicant.
- Communications strategy for promoting funded initiatives.
Application Process:
- Create Grant Portal Profile
- New applicants – create an individual user account and password, then setup your organization’s profile.
- Returning applicants – sign in with your existing user name and password, then update user or organization profile information as needed.
- Access The Foundation’s grant portal here.
- Complete Eligibility Quiz
- This will determine if you qualify to apply for this funding opportunity.
- To complete the quiz, log in to the grant portal and click "Apply" at the top of your Applicant Dashboard.
- If eligible, you will have access to complete the Letter of Intent.
- Attend Grant Information Session (virtual)
- New applicants – attendance is required.
- Returning applicants – attendance is strongly encouraged due to 2022 grant criteria and application changes.
- Submit Full Application
- Complete the application and attach all supporting materials.
- View the full list of application questions here.
- Full Applications Reviewed
- Due diligence is completed on all applications by The Foundation's staff.
- Applications are then reviewed by the Grants Review Committee using a standard rubric and scoring system, which will be discussed at the Mission Grants Information Session.
- Applicants Notified About Grant Status
- Applicants, both those that are approved and declined, will be notified of their grant status after all evaluations are complete.
The Foundation is committed to a fair and objective proposal review process.
- Complete Grant Requirements
- Grant Agreement Form: Prior to receiving funding, recipients must complete an agreement form signing off on all grantee requirements.
- Mid-Term and Final Grant Reports: Funding updates will be required six months and one year after the initial grant check is received. Updates will include how funds were used, status of outcomes, and impact stories from community members. Report forms and deadlines are accessible in the online grant portal.
This Photo by Unknown Author is licensed under CC BY-SA-NC
Arts & Culture for Woodstock
This fund was established in 2021 to honor the contributions of Woodstock’s longest-serving Mayor, Dr. Brian Sager, upon his retirement, and the legacy of arts and entertainment made possible through his dedicated leadership and creative talent.
The Arts & Culture for Woodstock Fund (ACFW) originated through private donations of a core group of Woodstock residents. It is promoted and will continue to grow as a Donor Advised Fund under the investment management of Community Foundation for McHenry County. Competitive applications are welcomed annually, as fund balances allow, from state and federally recognized tax-exempt, not-for-profit organizations and governmental entities only. Funds of up to $2,500 per organization per year may be requested for:
- Performing or visual arts events including concerts, theatre, spoken word or video productions
- Artistic, cultural or educational programs or exhibitions
- All funded programs and events must showcase Woodstock talent in Woodstock venues open to public enjoyment or otherwise benefitting Woodstock artists
Award Structure and Process:
- Funds will be awarded on an annual grant cycle that will be posted and publicized locally.
- Funds of up to $2,500 may be requested through a formal application process
- Applications may be totally funded, partially funded, or deemed ineligible at the discretion of the ACFW Fund.
- Checks will be issued upon notification of awards.
- Final Reports are required at the end of the grant cycle.
When requesting funds, keep in mind priority is given to projects that:
- Showcase Woodstock’s diverse artistic talent;
- Offer affordable and varied cultural experiences for Woodstock residents and visitors;
- Foster support of Woodstock businesses, restaurants and attractions;
- Attract positive coverage in local, regional and national media;
- Yield benefits to the community for the resources invested;
- Credit Arts & Culture for Woodstock Fund in promotional materials;
- Encourage participation by older or diverse residents, as performers or audience members;
- Promote cooperation among event organizers to reduce costs.
Not every worthwhile project can be funded. In general, the following are not considered for funding:
- Individuals.
- Organizations that influence, promote, or support political candidates or political philosophies.
- Organizations whose primary purpose is to influence, promote, or attempt to initiate legislation.
- Funding for travel outside of Woodstock.
- For-profit ventures.
- Budget deficits incurred prior to application.
- Endowments.
- Fundraising. Funds must be used by the applicant to offer cultural experiences in Woodstock.
- Purchase of permanent equipment.
- Funds must be used by the applicant, and for the general purposes outlined above. Applicant may partner with a sponsoring organization but may not provide funding received to a secondary organization.
Review of Grant Requests:
Additional evaluation criteria considered by the ACFW Fund will include the following:
- Organization
- Is the organization structured and managed to assure successful project completion?
- Are the resources of the organization consistent to fund its programs?
- How does the organization’s program/event benefit the Woodstock community?
- Can the organization’s efforts be monitored conveniently?
- Has the organization applied for funding before? Was a Final Report submitted in a timely and complete manner? Were funds used as requested?
- Project
- Why should the ACFW Fund support this project?
- Does the project enhance Woodstock’s arts & culture appeal?
- Will funds from ACFW bring about desired program objectives?
- Does the project duplicate or counteract other interests?
- Application
- Was the Application typed, signed, legible and presented neatly?
- Were all questions sufficiently answered?
- Was the Application received electronically by the designated date/time?
- Was the previous year’s Final Report (if required) submitted by the designated date/time?
October 31st Application period opens
December 31st Completed Applications due
January 31st Awards announced and checks issued
November 30th Final Report due
Should you have any questions or need additional information, please contact 815-338-4483 or [email protected].
Please review the following criteria for The Foundation’s grant opportunities. If you have questions, please contact us at [email protected] or 815-338-4483.
Eligible Organizations
Transformational Grant opportunities are available to charitable organizations that fit the following criteria:
- 501(c)(3) public charities in good standing in the state of Illinois.
- Units of local government.
- Not-for-profit educational institutions.
- Faith-based and religious organizations are eligible to apply, provided that the funded program/project does not promote or require religious doctrine.
- Nonprofits without 501(c)(3) status must use a 501(c)(3) fiscal sponsor and must identify their fiscal sponsor prior to submission of their application.
- Organizations are eligible to receive Transformational Grant funding up to three consecutive years through our competitive grant process. After three consecutive years of funding, organizations will not be eligible to apply to receive grant funding through this opportunity for one year. If you have questions about your organization’s eligibility, please contact us at [email protected].
Mission Grant opportunities are available to charitable organizations that fit the following criteria:
- 501(c)(3) public charities in good standing in the state of Illinois.
- Units of local government.
- Not-for-profit educational institutions.
- Faith-based and religious organizations that are registered 501(c)(3) public charities are eligible to apply, provided that the funds are used only for a program/project that does not promote or require religious doctrine.
- Nonprofits without 501(c)(3) status must use a 501(c)(3) fiscal sponsor and must identify their fiscal sponsor prior to submission of their application.
Any organization that applies to any of The Community Foundation for McHenry County’s grant opportunities should be located in McHenry County or able to demonstrate significant impact within McHenry County.
Additional Guidelines
- Grants are made for one year only and funded projects must be completed one year from receipt of the check. Reporting is required for all funded projects.
- The Foundation encourages collaboration in both execution and funding of projects.
- The Foundation supports projects which have been planned in light of overall community needs and which do not duplicate existing services.
- Applications that demonstrate a capacity to be sustainable in the future are favorable.
Governmental Compliance
All organizations must be compliant with appropriate government agencies. The Foundation’s staff will verify through the websites listed below. If there is a discrepancy, The Foundation may reach out to organizations to provide proof of compliance.
- Exempt organizations must be recognized as tax-exempt and in good standing with the IRS, with timely filed information returns (federal form 990).
- All organizations must be corporations in good standing with the Illinois Secretary of State.
Your status can be verified electronically, as follows:
Number of Submissions
- An organization may only submit one application each for The Foundation’s Transformational Grants and Mission Grants funding opportunities per year.
- Update as of January 28, 2021. Eligible charitable organizations may now receive more than one competitive grant over the course of The Foundation’s fiscal year, October 1 – September 30.
- Update as of January 28, 2021. Organizations that apply and are awarded a Transformational Grant may also submit an application for a Mission Grant within the same fiscal year.
Not to Be Considered
The Community Foundation for McHenry County does not fund:
- Individuals.
- Endowment campaigns.
- Political campaigns or endeavors.
- Programs that require adherence to a particular religious belief or practice to receive services (faith-based organizations serving the community-at-large will be considered).
Applications are reviewed using a standard rubric and scoring system for each type of grant opportunity. The grant scoring systems for Transformational Grants and Mission Grants will be discussed at the associated grant workshops.
Things to Consider:
- Funding in previous years does not imply continued support. Each application is reviewed in the context of current policies and applications.
- Previous reporting will be taken into consideration when determining the eligibility of an organization to apply for a grant and may impact a grant application’s overall score.
- Important factors that will be reviewed include proposed outcomes (impact) and evaluation strategy, a budget specific to McHenry County, collaboration among charitable organizations, and more.
Accurate and complete reporting is required for all grant opportunities. Report forms and reminders will be sent out prior to reporting deadlines for all Community Grants.
Two reports are required for all Community Grants:
- A mid-term report will be due six months from the receipt of funding.
- A final report is due one year from the receipt of funding.
In addition to these reports, Transformational Grant recipients will be required to schedule two to three site visits throughout the year for (but not limited to) staff of The Foundation.
As part of the reporting process, all grantees must provide stories of impact and photos to be used by The Foundation to share your missions and activities with the community.
- Please note: All people included in photos must sign a Media Release Form. For individuals under the age of 18, a parent or legal guardian must sign a Media Release Form.
- The Foundation will not accept photos without a signed release form. Reports including photos submitted without signed release forms will not be accepted.
- Click here to download The Foundation’s Media Release Form.
Note: Grants funded through Donor Advised Funds may have the same reporting requirements as Competitive Grants. Please plan to send a thank you note to The Community Foundation for McHenry County, which will be forwarded to the Fund Advisor(s). Additionally, any updates provided to The Foundation will be shared with the Fund Advisor(s).
About The Community Foundation Grants
The Community Foundation for McHenry County awards approximately $1.5 million annually to local nonprofits through our competitive grant process. These grants are made possible by the generosity of our donors who are dedicated to enhancing the quality of life for McHenry County residents now and for generations to come.
Endowed gifts are particularly impactful, providing a stable and perpetual funding source that addresses both current needs and future needs. Your support through endowed contributions ensures the sustained success and growth of vital community services.
Click here to support our granting fund and make a lasting difference.
All McHenry County High Schools
Jennifer graduated from Huntley High School in 2010 and earned a Bachelor of Fine Arts in Theater Performance with a minor in Music from the University of Wisconsin-Whitewater in 2014. A talented and creative individual, Jenn lived for music, theater, dance, and the visual arts. She played the French Horn and Mellophone with her school bands and orchestra, participated in Horn Fest at Whitewater, and performed with UAC Theater and Vero Voce Theater Company. She also sang with the Madison Chamber Choir and performed at the Bristol Renaissance Faire. Jenn’s artistic touch can still be seen in the murals she painted in schools in Huntley and Elgin. Known for her giving heart and kind spirit, she made a lasting impact on family, friends, fellow performers, and even strangers through her presence, humor, and love.
Jenn was also a passionate advocate for equal rights, animal welfare, and the preservation of the planet. Her creative brilliance, bright smile, and genuine love will forever be remembered by those who knew her. In her memory, the Jennifer Samson Memorial Scholarship Fund was established to provide annual awards to graduating McHenry County high school students who actively participated in musical theater during their high school years. This scholarship assists students in pursuing a two-year or four-year college degree, continuing the legacy of Jenn’s love for the arts.
Need-based: No
Amount: One (1) $2,000 award
Renewable: No
Requirements and selection criteria:
- Applicants must be a McHenry County high school graduating student.
- Applicants must exhibit musical theater involvement throughout high school.
- Preference will be given to an applicant who has performed as an actor/performer in musical theater in high school.
The Mariana Szczesny Memorial Scholarship was founded by a resilient individual who, despite facing great hardship, chose to honor the memory of their beloved wife, Mariana, by investing in the future of local students. Originally from Poland and having overcome the challenges of World War II, this individual created a scholarship to support McHenry County high school seniors who demonstrate both academic achievement and financial need. The scholarship reflects their enduring love for Mariana and their commitment to empowering young people to pursue a college education and a brighter future.
Need-based: Yes
Merit based: Yes
Amount: Varies
Renewable: No
Requirements and selection criteria:
- Applicants must be a graduating senior from a McHenry County high school.
- Applicants must demonstrate academic excellence.
- Applicants must be accepted into any program of their choosing.
The Veterans Assistance Commission (VAC) of McHenry County is dedicated to providing a wide range of support services to veterans and their families. They assist veterans in navigating benefits from federal, state, and local programs, offering help with claims for disability compensation, pension, healthcare, and educational benefits. The VAC also provides emergency financial assistance, transportation services, and guidance on accessing veteran-specific resources to ensure that those who have served the country receive the help they need.
In addition to these services, the VAC offers the VAC Veterans Memorial Scholarship. This scholarship is designed to assist the children or grandchildren of active-duty personnel, honorably discharged veterans, members of the National Guard, or military reservists. It provides financial support for pursuing higher education, helping these individuals access the educational program of their choice while honoring the legacy of their family members’ military service.
Need-based: No
Amount: Varies
Renewable: No
Requirements and selection criteria:
- Applicants must be a McHenry County high school graduating senior or high school graduate who is the child, stepchild or grandchild of active duty personnel, or honorably discharged veterans of the United States military, National Guard and military reservists.
- Applicants must hold a 2.5 GPA or better (based on a 4.0 scale).
- Applicants must have a photocopy of the DD-214, a Certification of Post Membership, OR a Military ID Card (copy) when applying *(For privacy reasons, please ensure that any personally identifiable information, such as Social Security numbers or home addresses, is redacted before submitting.)
- Preference will be given to applicants who are or will be accepted to a higher institution within the State of Illinois.
Cary-Grove High School or Trinity Oaks High School
The Patricia McNamara Scholarship was established to honor Patti McNamara, who would have wanted the scholarship to acknowledge and reward students who exhibit a strong work ethic, dedication to the community and a love of life. The Patricia McNamara Scholarship Evaluation Committee encourages any interested applicant to apply for the Scholarship regardless of class standing.
The Patricia McNamara Scholarship is awarded to deserving Cary-Grove High School or Trinity Oaks Christian Academy graduating seniors who have chosen to pursue their career through a post-secondary education from either a vocational, trade, or community college.
Need-based: No
Amount: Varies
Renewable: No
Requirements and selection criteria:
- Applicants must be a graduating Cary-Grove High School or Trinity Oaks Christian Academy senior.
- Applicants must maintain a minimum 2.0 GPA or better (based on a 4.0 scale).
- Applicants must plan to pursue post-secondary education at an accredited vocational school, trade school or community college.
For more information and how to apply, please contact Patrick Hurley ([email protected]).
Crystal Lake South High School
Joe Carnes, born August 10, 1937, in Toledo, Ohio, was known throughout his life as a “people person.” In high school, he was recognized for his great personality and cooperative nature, serving as student council president and excelling in sports. After graduating in 1955, Joe joined the Air Force as an aircraft mechanic and later attended Wittenberg University, where he met his future wife, Sandy Townsend. They married in 1964 and had four children. Joe became a pilot for the Air National Guard of Ohio, flying F-100 jets, and went on to a long career with United Airlines, where he served as a check airman and Aeromedical Committee chair. Even in retirement, Joe continued to lead, organizing retired pilots’ luncheons in McHenry County.
Active in his community, Joe chaired a successful Special Olympics event, coached youth sports, refereed football, and was president of the local hockey club. He also contributed to the success of the Raue Center for the Arts, served as Grand Knight of the Knights of Columbus, and volunteered at a local homeless shelter. Joe’s positive outlook and sense of humor made him a natural leader, inspiring others to get involved and help their community. His love of people, laughter, and caring nature left an enduring legacy, and the Joe Carnes Scholarship was established to honor his memory by providing college tuition assistance for educational expenses, to be used at a college or university of the recipient’s choice.
Need-based: Yes
Amount: Varies
Renewable: No
Requirements and selection criteria:
- Applicants must be a Crystal Lake South High School graduating senior.
- Applicants must have at least a 3.0 grade point average or higher (based on a 4.0 scale).
- Applicants must demonstrate positive involvement in school, community and/or church activities.
- Preference will be given to applicants pursuing degrees in aviation-related fields, educational fields or public/community service fields.
TC Industries, Inc.
TC Industries, Inc. is a family-owned company with a long history of innovation and excellence in steel heat-treating and manufacturing. Founded in 1913, TC Industries has evolved into a leader in providing high-quality industrial products and services, specializing in wear-resistant parts and steel mill liners. Their commitment to quality, innovation, and customer satisfaction has allowed them to serve industries around the world while maintaining strong roots in the communities where they operate.
The TC Industries, Inc. Scholarship reflects the company’s dedication to supporting its employees and their families. This scholarship provides financial assistance for the dependent children of current TC Industries employees, offering a four-year scholarship for undergraduate studies. By investing in the education of the next generation, TC Industries continues its tradition of fostering growth, development, and success within its community and workforce.
Need-based: No
Merit based: Yes
Amount: $4,000; $1,000 every year for four (4) years
Renewable: No
Requirements and selection criteria:
- Applicants must be dependent children of active TC Industries, Inc. employees that have one (1) year of service by the application due date.
- Applicants must exhibit exceptional academic performance and dedication by maintaining a 3.0 GPA or better (based on a 4.0 scale).
- Applicants must be a graduating high school senior or a current student enrolled full-time in a college, university, technical or trade school in the United States.
- Applicants must be under 25 years old.
*Shareholders and Unit IV employees and their dependents are ineligible for scholarship consideration.
Wauconda High School
The purpose of the Lorna D. Rowland Scholarship is to support graduating senior women of Wauconda High School interested in pursuing a college degree in social sciences and/or social issues.
Need-based: No
Merit based: Yes
Amount: $2,000 per year
Renewable: No
Requirements and selection criteria:
- Applicants must be women and a graduating senior of Wauconda High School.
- Applicants must be pursuing a college degree in social sciences and/or interested in social issues.
- Applicants must maintain a minimum of a 3.2 GPA or higher (based on a 4.0 scale).
- Applicants must have at least 1.5 years of elective courses in Current Issues, Sociology, Psychology, History, Theater Arts, Literature or Speech.
- Applicants must have participated in at least 1 year of a non-sport related extracurricular activity, including band or chorus.
Woodstock Public or Private High Schools
The Cooney Scholarship is awarded annually to a current or former graduate of a Woodstock, Illinois high school, either public or private. This scholarship is to assist a student(s) pursuing a two-year or four-year college degree in any area of endeavor.
Need-based: Yes
Amount: Varies
Renewable: No
Merit based: Yes, based on academic record
Requirements and selection criteria:
- Applicants must be a current graduating student or former graduate from a Woodstock public or private high school.
- Applicants shall have a demonstrated involvement, past or present, with a not-for-profit organization located in and serving McHenry County.
- Preference will be given to applicants based on need and academic record.
The Don Penza Scholarship at The Community Foundation for McHenry County honors the legacy of a servant leader and mentor who dedicated his life to fostering mental and emotional strength, accountability, and humility in his players and students at Marian Central Catholic High School. Drawing on his experience playing under legendary coaches at Notre Dame, Don Penza instilled self-confidence, decision-making, and ownership, creating a culture of “No excuses.” His influence extended beyond the field, shaping countless lives and encouraging students to grow both personally and athletically.
The Don Penza Athletic Scholarship was established to support student-athletes at Marian Central Catholic High School who display a need for financial assistance. Awarded to students who embody Don’s values of personal accountability, faith, strength of character, and servant leadership, this scholarship helps recipients pursue both their athletic and academic goals, continuing the legacy of Don’s impactful career and life.
Need-based: Yes
Amount: Varies
Renewable: No
Requirements and selection criteria:
- Applicants must be enrolled at Marian Central Catholic High School.
- Applicants must have at least a 2.5 grade point average.
- Applicants must be participants in Marian Central Catholic athletics.
- Award selection will consider the diversity of athletic involvement.
LeAnn Golembiewski was an elementary school teacher at Marian Catholic School in McHenry and an assistant girls’ basketball and track & field coach at Marian Central Catholic High School. A former basketball and track & field star at the University of Nevada-Las Vegas, she was passionate about giving back to the Marian community. LeAnn was not only a loving mother and devoted wife but also a mentor and role model for her athletes, guiding them on and off the field.
Her children, A.J. and Jenna, attended Marian Central Catholic High School in Woodstock, Illinois, and followed in her footsteps as multi-sport athletes for the Hurricanes. After LeAnn passed away in 2019 following a four-year battle with cancer, her family established the LeAnn Golembiewski Memorial Scholarship Fund. This scholarship supports the educational pursuits of women varsity athletes at Marian Central Catholic High School, assisting them in achieving a two-year or four-year degree.
Need-based: No
Merit based: Yes
Amount: $4,000; $1,000 per year
Renewable: No
Requirements and selection criteria:
- Applicants must be a woman in varsity athletics.
- Applicants must be a graduating senior from Marian Central Catholic High School.
- Applicants must maintain a minimum 3.0 GPA or higher.
- Preference will be given to students who exhibit excellence in the classroom, the playing field, and the community.
Ron Bendis served District 200 for over 30 years, most notably as assistant principal at Woodstock High School for 26 years. Recognized for his dedication, he was named Assistant Principal of the Year by the Illinois Principals Association in 2009 and received the Susan Palmore Award of Excellence from the District 200 Education Foundation in 2018. Ron was particularly skilled at helping students facing academic, personal, or attendance challenges, often guiding them toward graduation and future opportunities.
The Ron Bendis Memorial Scholarship honors his legacy by awarding a Woodstock High School and a Woodstock North High School senior who, despite early struggles, have shown significant academic improvement, active participation in school or community activities, and a desire to pursue further education or training. This scholarship reflects Ron’s lifelong commitment to supporting students who needed extra guidance to succeed.
Need-based: No
Merit based: Yes
Amount: Varies
Renewable: No
Requirements and selection criteria:
- Applicants must be a Woodstock or Woodstock North High School graduating senior.
- After significant problems early in high school, applicants must have displayed:
- A marked improvement in academic performance.
- A willingness to be an active participant in school and/or outside activities.
- A desire to attend a two-year or four-year post-secondary institution or training facility as a full-time student.
- Applicants must hold a grade point average of 3.0 or lower (based out of an unweighted 4.0 scale).
Lions Club International is a global service organization committed to addressing critical needs in communities worldwide. With a focus on areas such as vision care, hunger relief, disaster response, childhood cancer, and environmental sustainability, Lions Clubs work tirelessly to improve the well-being of individuals and families. Through a vast network of volunteers and partners in over 200 countries, Lions Clubs create lasting positive change by empowering communities and providing essential services to those in need.
The Woodstock Lions Club Scholarship continues this legacy by offering financial support for residents within the boundaries of Woodstock Community Unit School District 200, which includes Woodstock, Illinois, and nearby unincorporated areas. This scholarship assists students pursuing a four-year bachelor’s degree, a two-year associate’s degree, or a vocational certificate, helping them achieve their educational aspirations while contributing to the community’s ongoing success.
Need-based: Yes
Amount: Varies
Renewable: Yes
Renewable Conditions: Maintain at least a 2.5 GPA and continue to meet other scholarship requirements.
Requirements and selection criteria:
- Applicants must be a student currently enrolled in a post-secondary program OR a high school senior that will be enrolled in a post-secondary program.
- Applicants must reside within the boundaries of District 200, comprising Woodstock, Illinois and the immediately surrounding unincorporated area.
- Applicants must maintain a 2.5 grade point average (GPA) or higher.
- Applicants must have positive involvement in school, community, or church.
- Preference will be given to students who cannot otherwise afford to attend school.
*Applicants who receive the scholarship may reapply and receive the award in subsequent years.
For questions or more information about The Foundation’s annual scholarship opportunities contact Jake Schlicht, Manager of Grants and Scholarships at [email protected] or call 815-338-4483.